Since IFTF’s launch party, we’ve been talking about the Accessibility Testing Project. “The Testathon”, for short. The plan was (and is) for a community effort to test IF tools and make sure they’re usable by everybody. IF has a long history of being open to gamers with visual disabilities. We want to make sure that remains true, and also that it extends to other groups of gamers.

Last fall, we put together a committee of people with experience in accessibility tools and testing — and experience in IF, of course. Then… things kind of bogged down. Turns out we didn’t think hard enough about experience in organizing a committee and making things happen.

Rookie mistake, right? And precisely because nobody was pushing the thing forward, the problem slipped to the bottom of everybody’s priority list and now it’s April. But now it’s time to start pushing again.

So: we are looking for someone to take on the Testathon organizer role. This is primarily about organizing meetings, making decisions, resolving disagreements, and generally chivvying people along to the next step. The organizer does not need to be an expert on either IF software or accessibility testing/tools; that’s why we have a committee. But they should know enough about both fields to understand what the rest of the committee is saying when they say it.

If you’re interested, or you know someone who is interested, please contact us. Thanks!

Newer post: Philomela Backups and Committee Recruitment

Older post: IFComp: Surveying 2016, and pondering 2017