I’ll be giving a short presentation about IFTF at the monthly Providence Geeks meetup at 6:30 on Wednesday, February 20, at the AS220 art space downtown. (IFTF’s connection with Providence extends only so far as the fact that its current president happens to live there — but he does, so there you have it.) This will happen at the AS220 main stage at 115 Empire Street.

I plan to host a group play-through of Admiral Jota’s well worn crowd-pleaser Lost Pig starting at 5:30, to entertain the early-birds. We’ll likely have examples of other modern IF on-hand to sample after the talk; I’m taking a cue from how the Boston IF crowd offers demonstrations at the local indie-games festival every year.

Because AS220 has closed its restaurant for renovations, visitors should plan to dine before or after the event, or bring their own take-out to enjoy on-premises. Providence Geeks will provide a pop-up bar.

Newer post: Heralding two upcoming reports

Older post: Introducing the IntFiction Forum committee