We’re pleased to announce that Judith Pintar will be joining the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation’s Board of Directors.

If Judith’s name seems familiar, it’s because her experience in the interactive fiction medium spans decades. Her BBS satire game CosmoServe won the fifth annual AGT game contest in 1991— four years before the IF Comp was first held. (If you don’t know what AGT is, ask your parents.) She created several other AGT games in the 90s and now works in Inform 7.

Currently, Judith is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). There, she directs the Electronic Literatures & Literacies Lab, an academic community of digital humanities researchers and practitioners. She also teaches a course on interactive fiction at UIUC.

We’re very excited about the knowledge and experience Judith that brings to the foundation.

Newer post: IFTF is adopting the IF Archive

Older post: The IF tool toybox